Saturday, November 27, 2010

Thankful for a Classmate

Well, this is pretty hard to chose who to write about. I'm pretty much thankful for all of my classmates. It give the class that relaxed atmosphere. I can't really single out one person, so I'll choose three people instead.

So, the first two, I am thankful for the for the same reason, and coincidentally, they are directly on my left and right sides. So, I am thankful for Rose and Jose. I am thankful for them because they make me laugh. Its nice to have them in an early class before division, because then, it lightens up my mood for the rest of the day. After the class is over, I feel more awake walking out of that class then when I was walking in. THANKS GUYS!!! :D

So, the third person I would like to thank is Sam. I am forever in debt to this guy, because he is also in my Chinese class and without him, I am 100% positive that that I would have failed that class by now. He helps me with all kinds of stuff in that class, but I won't go into detail because I might just get In trouble if I told you. So yeah, basically, Sam, your a life saver. THANKS SAM!!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

I am (not) a Plow

Well first, let me define what a plow is. It means to break and turn over earth especially with a plow. It also means to cover: act on verbally or in some form of artistic expression. 
Artistic? I don't really think I'm a very artistic thinker, so I'm going to say that I am NOT a plow, unlike everyone else who said that they are a plow. 
Other ways I'm not a plow is that I am not a machine, I don not turn over dirt, I am not a farm tool, basically, I don't see how anyone could relate themselves to a plow.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

A Change for the Class

I think the class is pretty fun enough the way it is. If anything, I would just suggest that the books we read should be not as hard to read. After the first couple of chapters of the book, I'm just about hopelessly lost. Oh, and another thing, I don't like building off the first lines of books for our journals, I can never think of anything to write and when I do, it sounds extra stupid. But besides that, the class is really nice. I like how the class flows, how the homework isn't collected until the end of every month, group work is fun, projects are easy, blogging is giving me a new experience in writing, and all the kids in the class are cool. So, I don't think this class really needs to change, it's going by nicely, I'm learning a lot, and best of all, it's one of my few classes that doesn't ddddrrrrraaaaaaaaggggg on for the whole period and doesn't makes it feel ten times longer than it really is.
So yeah, I don't think there is anything wrong with the class.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Modern Day Slavery

So, I did a little research on this topic, and I have to say, I'm a little surprised. I thought that slavery had been banned across the world. But apparently so countries still allow slavery to take place in their society and it is perfectly normal for them. For example, the countries  of Sudan (even though their government denies practicing it) and Niger still practice slavery today. Even in India, Nepal, Pakistan, Indonesia, and the United Arab Emirates have programs that are very similar to slavery, such as child trafficking and forced labor.
I thought that mankind was  more sophisticated than that. I thought it was a shared belief that everyone on this earth was thought as equal. But sadly, I was wrong. Apparently the human race isn't quite yet ready to give up this demeaning tradition and to move on. 
I don't just pity the slaves, I pity the slave owners as well. You know what owning a slave tells me? It tells me that the owner it too lazy to do any of the manual work himself/herself and not only that, it also tells me that they they are too cheap and immoral to give just payment to these workers.
Bottom line. Slavery= BAD