Thursday, November 4, 2010

Modern Day Slavery

So, I did a little research on this topic, and I have to say, I'm a little surprised. I thought that slavery had been banned across the world. But apparently so countries still allow slavery to take place in their society and it is perfectly normal for them. For example, the countries  of Sudan (even though their government denies practicing it) and Niger still practice slavery today. Even in India, Nepal, Pakistan, Indonesia, and the United Arab Emirates have programs that are very similar to slavery, such as child trafficking and forced labor.
I thought that mankind was  more sophisticated than that. I thought it was a shared belief that everyone on this earth was thought as equal. But sadly, I was wrong. Apparently the human race isn't quite yet ready to give up this demeaning tradition and to move on. 
I don't just pity the slaves, I pity the slave owners as well. You know what owning a slave tells me? It tells me that the owner it too lazy to do any of the manual work himself/herself and not only that, it also tells me that they they are too cheap and immoral to give just payment to these workers.
Bottom line. Slavery= BAD

1 comment:

  1. Slavery IS bad. Thanks a lot for making me read your blog. I'll remember that.
